Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Weird attitute of insurance companies to culture and knowledge

Well I went to the insurance company and I had quite interesting conversation there.

The lady there was asking me if I have television, how much it is, if I have computer, etc etc. Lets say that all the electronic devices were worth aprox 2000 euros and I had to give them photos and serial numbers, etc.

And then I asked her about my library, what would happen in case of fire? Because I have around 1000 books and through the time I have to say that it has costed me more than 10 000 euros. And she told me, that they only make insurance for "special" books, and I have to have a certificate by third side, which claims some kind of "historical" values of this kind of book and then I can insure each book... crazy, I do not have such kind of books with historical value, so I was quite consufed.

It is totally OK to insure modern television, but with library you just have to have special historical books. Replacing television is very easy, but replacing books, which are out of print is kind of a difficult task, if you are proud of your book collection...

Well, looks like we live if times which do not value books, but only television...

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