Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Scrupulous PR

I am doing now a project for a PR course and have to say that after couple of years of PR praxis I have become a monster :oD.

The project is a hypothetical campaign for a small city in the middle of nowhere that they would "allow" in the public referendum to build the radioactive waste disposal near their homes.

I did the truly excellent PR campagn with all the "ethical" brainwashing (is it even ethical to brainwash people for money?) and then I was thinking, what the hell!

It is paid by the government, the budget is 10 mil. Czech Crowns (625 000 US dollars) why to make a stupid campaign for such amount of money. Why not do the "unethical" campaign without any brainwashing. In the city is only 600 inhabitants, each of them would be given 1000 US dollars if they would say YES in the referendum and thats it :o)). In the end, it WAS their choice to be paid and vote YES, right?

Well, I guess that if I would send just this one slide with the budget 1000 USD for each of the inhabitant, I would be given Fail mark for the project :o).

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