After receiving billions of spams, I can now cathegorize them scientifically.
1) Penis enlargment crap
If I had replied to all those penis-enlargment-pills-crap e-mails, my penis would be long from one galaxy to another.
2) Fake rolex watches crap
If I had bought all those fake rolex watches, I could definitely put them all on my millions of light years long penis. So it would look like a giant arm with zillions of fake rolex watches on it.
3) Casino Deposit 400 euros/Dollars
If I had replied to all those casino-400-euros crap e-mails, I would be richer than Bill Gates these days - that is also why I could afford those penis-enlargment-crap pills and those fake rolex watches.
4) Completely non-sense crap
This cathegory is somehow out of my mind. These spams do not say anything at all. They are just some randonmly crapped texts with no sense at all. I really can understand, that 99 % of e-mail users lust for bigger penises and fake rolexes and gambling at virtual casinos... but what sense is in these (4th cathegory) e-mails? That I can practise my reading and analyzing non-sense texts? Maybe...
What the spams concern, I think that I cathegorized them all, so, dear spammers, come out with something new, cause this crap is sooooooooooo boring, that I am really bored even with automatically deleting this crap. Thank you, for your next efforts. I am really going to enjoy the NEW stuff (if you make any).
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