Sunday, 29 November 2020

Everything can be a symptom

Before I got covid I read some definitive lists of symptoms such as - if you are sneezing or have runny nose, thats not covid.

Well I'm sneezing and have weird pressure in the nose for several days :-). Well not much of a mucus (thats right) but still sneezing. 

So only thing which is sure is that nothing is sure and everything can be a symptom. 

I guess I have mild version (fevers only for first 2-3 days so far) and without warning from positive ppl and my own positive PRC test I would probably be out somewhere spreading the virus.

I guess that I am young and healthy and still its very tough deasease even with mild symptoms. Walk to a toilet or desinfecting the bathroom are quite exhausting activities.

If I would meet someone personally who tells me that its only a flu I will slap his face after I am cured.

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