Monday, 15 December 2014

Biggest lie by movie makers

Last shot and then we wrap it.

Biggest lie at conferences

I'll be brief because I was told we are not on schedule.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Effectivity at work

Love working for multinational corporations...

Me to client on Tuesday: The DVDs will be delivered on Wednesday.
Client (on Thursday): Where are the DVDs? We have nothing here and I need them in half an hour!
Me to Design Studio: Hi, client calls me where are the dvds.
Design Studio to Printing house: Hey, the DVDs should be there yesterday, where is it?
Printing house to PPL: Hey, where are the DVDs?
PPL to printing House: We have delivered it on Wednesday on 12:39, the person was not available so we have left it at the company.
Printing house to Design studio: PPL says it is already there for a day?
Design studio to me: They had it delivered on time.
Me to client: So the DVDs are in your company since yesterday, PPL said they left it somewhere.
Client: Really great job, thank you for your effor I have nothing :o(
Me to client: Should I call to your reception and ask where they have put it?
15 minutes of silence
Client to me: Reception is not allowed to take over anything so they have left it at our storeroom.
Me to client: Great news, so you have finally your dvds! I am apologising for any troubles caused by the PPL but they could have not reached you.

Moral of this story? How about ask at the reception first, when it is like in YOUR building? :oD But lets keep the people work! Why make it simple when you have your agency, your design studio, your printing house, your parcel logistic and they can ask for you, right.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Interstellar mindfuck

spoiler alert.

Anytime you get lost in the space-time continuum the solution is simple one. Send your daughter back in time data on how to travel in five dimensions and blackholes via your old bookshelf into the vintage analog watches. Yup. Easy one. Could have crack this one, too. Why using satelittes when sending data via bookshelf to watches is much better.

P.S. I loved the movie, but putting it like this it is just ridiculous :oD

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Review I would love to read

Philip Glass reviewing google glass. Ok, glass.

Friday, 22 August 2014

World run by telco

I always wonder how the world can be run by global companies who rely on such terrible tool of communication such as the teleconference.

Everytime I am doing telco I hear only around 50 percent people in the room. And even when the volume is right there is either too much noise or quality of signal is failing.

Noone ever says I dont hear nothing because everyone is reading emails on portable devices or wiping their asses on WC.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

KitKat for Samsuns Galaxy S2 i9100? No thank you!

Ok so I tried to install the kitkat 4.4.2 on my Samsung S2 mobile phone. According to a lot of walkthroughs it should work.

Sooo to cut the crap short:
1) root the phone - ok no problema
2) install recovery rom - CWM, TWRP - well this is where it was fucked up to the bootloop problem. Solved after couple of hours and tweaking with Odin 3.09
3) install the KitKat - you have plenty of those, BUT OmniROM and CynogenMod looks like the best what you can do... BUT! Here is really big BUTT! You need to have CWM at least (which could not be installed through Odin on my device!!! only much lower version! But the lower version is not able to install OmniRom oc CynogenMod). The same problem awas with the TWRP i could not get higher version through odin, too.

So I spent couple of hours with the result of bricked phone in bootloop. So in the end the result was this: here I found the original firmware (550MB) on my Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100, turned on the Odin 3.09 and in the AP i have put the almost 1GB tar file and everything went back to normal.

So whats the moral of the story? If you want KitKat buy a new phone, cause this was really a shitty experience, but in the end I just had to install the apps through google play again...

P.S. there is odin page where you are supposed to DL the SW. But beware it is just lousy malware, always try to DL from the XDA project, it was free of malware there.