Sunday, 11 December 2011

Magritte and a trip to Vienna

Today we made a trip to Vienna for a Rene Magritte exhibition in Albertina Museum. It was quite good, I liked really much several of the paintings and I really have to say, that Walter Benjamin was in a way right in his The Work of Art in the Age of the Mechanical Reproduction, because I felt I want couple of those paintings, but knowing they will be just copies, because they have to be priceless now, felt like that in this case I would not want them :o).

Anyway we bought lots of postcards with the paintings...

And what was fun as well, on the way to Vienna we stopped at one Gas station near Mikulov and two young guys in their 20s asked us, if we would take them, too. They looked quite well dressed, had no backpacks or whatsoever (which was bit weird), and they smelled like pure distilled alcohol. Anyway to make the story short,  they drank the night before till morning, then they (still drunk) went in the morning to a bus headed for Vienna (without any ticket) and during the trip one lady in the bus told the bus driver that they do not have any ticket, so he threw them away at the gas station, and that is where we found them :o). They were quite drunk even at 17:00 when we were driving back to Prague and they were so happy, that we came to the meeting, so they would get back to Czech Republic with us. Anyway in the morning, when still drunk in a huge way, one of the guy was really funny shouting like "We shall go to Venice, right away!" (which is another 615km from Vienna). Looks like being a parent must suck sometimes (I hear a phonecall of one of those guys it went like: Yeah, we were drinking, I had a few, sorry I am not coming to the work today.).

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