Tuesday, 28 September 2010

"Live" not fast enough

Television changed our perception of time in a way, that before TV we were satisfied enough, when we read news day after it happenned.

But internet chnged the situation so much, that sometimes I have a feeling, that even "live" broadcast is not fast enought. Therefore we send press releases to the media "before they actually happen" with embargo e.g. till 8 p.m. Only then when e.g. the winner of the contest is told during the event it can become news right in that second on the internet...

There is a nice example from Czech Republic (back then it was Czechoslovakia), that when one of the high officers of stalinist regime died (before the television), people working on the radio were so afraid of their lifes, that they actually recorded the whole funeral and then they were playing in it on the radio... problem was that the funeral procession was moving quite slowly and the record was much faster... therefore they said two sentences and then there were mute minutes of nothing...

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