Monday, 25 May 2009

Stupid maddness about Susan Boyle

Message to all those millions of people who shit their pants for tremendous Susan Boyle.

In the 1960s and 1970s it was totally OK to look like your mother had you with a horse and have a bad hair and terrible teeth, and yet you could have been a music star!

It is just the last twenty years when we all suddenly started to look at the appearances first (mainly television caused this shift), so only in last decade most of the new singers look like supermodels, i.e. they are televisual first, any musical accomplishments are added later in post-production.

In this logic I totally do not get this maddness about Susan Boyle. OK, she sings good, no doubt about that. But narrate this story in a sense: "Look at her! She is uglier than monkey's shit, and yet (heureka!) she is able to sing! What a tremendous acomplishment for the lesser mind!"

This whole story is based on the stereotype, that if you are ugly as fuck, you cannot do anything in the world. But history, and mostly history of the music prove these people wrong. Look at the Beatles for instance - Ringo Starr is probably uglier than Susan Boyle and yet everybody loves Beatles!

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Mijn newe tee-シャツ (Part 2)

Actually I have a smile on my face, but is quite funny though blue colour would be better, haha. But I like it anyway. So nobody please dont give me this t-shirt as a wedding gifts, I have already one at home ;o).

Friday, 1 May 2009

Wise man said... Part II

The more you know, the more tolerant to everything you are.

Greatest invention of humankind?

Probably cooperation. The first human being who had the idea that it is actually better if you cooperate and not kill each other, should be awarded for this very idea of cooperation.