Lately I am so in awe about the "inteligence" of many people, that I cant believe this is happening. Opinions (in a nice way saying someone is stupid as fuck) are taken as facts and in oposition to any scientists who studied and worked hard for their whole life... I´m seriously looking forward to hear that Sun runs around the Earth.
So what made my day lately
- one conspiration says, that young women are worried that not only themselves will be infertile after vaccines, but even their never born daughters! Well, if you are infertile, you cannot have daugher you stupid cow.
- german scientists (wow!) zoomed swabs for tests and saw microchips which make you lose your smell. Oh for fucks sake. Seriously? And how exactly this works and whats "in it" for those microchips producers? :-D Giving away precious chips for free? Its like those drug dealers in front schools giving away smack for free? :-) And whats next? You want another chip which you have to buy for thousand dollar cause you have cold turkey?
- all those flatearthers and other kinds of stupid people, oh come one. People without computers 2000 years ago knew that earth is not flat and that it runs around the Sun in the cosmos.
- my favorite ones of all - the people who are actually dying in the hospitals these days saying that covid is a made up hoax which does not exist! (many healthcare workers telling these terrible stories these days). Hopefully those people died happy "knowing better" than the rest of us.
Well among those "brain magnates" mentioned above I really do not see any light at the end of a tunnel and I am afraid that we will be in deep covid shit in the coming years (our only hope is that as many pandemic outbrakes before, it will just dissapear, not knowing why... but maybe killing or destroying health of many people on the way).