I used Winamp since the beginning but lately when i was browsing online on Google Chrome music was stuttering and computer so slow it felt like forever. Even mouse cursor was moving like i had 486 processor with Win8 and not the i7.
First I blamed Chrome, because Winamp was with me all the time. Then i blamed antivirus. In the end I even reinstalled audio drivers... then it came to my mind - how about trying to play the music in a different player?
Well... the result is so obvious that I feel ashamed it took me so long to find the culprit.
Because Winamp is now deader than dead (yeah "coming soon" like for several years already) I decided to switch to a different music player.
maybe will come back later with what I have chosen instead of Winamp.
UPDATE 26.5. I switched to MusicBee and have to say I am quite satisfied.