Ok so I tried to install the kitkat 4.4.2 on my Samsung S2 mobile phone. According to a lot of walkthroughs it should work.
Sooo to cut the crap short:
1) root the phone - ok no problema
2) install recovery rom - CWM, TWRP - well this is where it was fucked up to the bootloop problem. Solved after couple of hours and tweaking with Odin 3.09
3) install the KitKat - you have plenty of those, BUT OmniROM and CynogenMod looks like the best what you can do... BUT! Here is really big BUTT! You need to have CWM at least (which could not be installed through Odin on my device!!! only much lower version! But the lower version is not able to install OmniRom oc CynogenMod). The same problem awas with the TWRP i could not get higher version through odin, too.
So I spent couple of hours with the result of bricked phone in bootloop. So in the end the result was this:
www.sammobile.com here I found the original firmware (550MB) on my Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100, turned on the Odin 3.09 and in the AP i have put the almost 1GB tar file and everything went back to normal.
So whats the moral of the story? If you want KitKat buy a new phone, cause this was really a shitty experience, but in the end I just had to install the apps through google play again...
P.S. there is odin page where you are supposed to DL the SW. But beware it is just lousy malware, always try to DL from the XDA project, it was free of malware there.